mysqli vs mysql

Built on MySQL Enterprise Edition and powered by the Oracle Cloud, Oracle MySQL Cloud Service provides a simple, automated, integrated and enterprise ready MySQL cloud service, enabling organizations to increase business agility and reduce costs

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CodeLobster PHP Edition is a free portable handy and easy-in-use code editor that is primarily intended for quick and easy creation and editing of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files. IT houses a large r...

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  • PHP MySQL extension is deprecated. PHP MySQLi extension is Object Oriented, supports Trans...
    How to Use PHP Improved MySQLi extension (and Why You ...
  • Built on MySQL Enterprise Edition and powered by the Oracle Cloud, Oracle MySQL Cloud Serv...
    MySQL - Official Site
  • I'm fairly new to PHP and have built a medium sized website using standard MySQL datab...
    MySQL versus PDO - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年10月30日 - MySQL and MySQLi are PHP database extensions implemented by using PHP exten...
    MySQL vs MySQLi in PHP - PhpPot
  • API Support Both PDO and MySQLi provides an object-oriented approach, but MySQLi provides ...
    MySQL Vs MySQLi Vs PDO - Yudiz
  • 2017年2月25日 - Learn what to do make MySQL applications work on PHP 7 and which option MySQ...
    MySQL vs MySQLi vs PDO Performance Benchmark, Difference and ...
  • 2009年2月14日 - If you have a look at MySQL Improved Extension Overview, it should tell you ...
    MySQL vs MySQLi when using PHP - Stack Overflow
  • Which is better, MySQL or MySQLi? And why? Which should I use? I mean better not just in t...
    MySQL vs MySQLi when using PHP - Stack Overflow ...
  • MySQL is the very popular open-source relational database management system which is used ...
    MySQL vs. MySQLi: Is the Improvement Right for You? ...
  • 在原生MySQL上又更進階的多了MySQLi,可避免SQL Inejction等安全性問題。也增加了一抽象層的類別PDO(PHP Data Objects),可支援多種資料庫及命名...
    MySQL,MySQLi,PDO @ JIM在自言自語:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌
  • MySQL optionally allows having multiple statements in one statement string. Sending multip...
    MySQLi - Wikipedia
  • PDO vs MySQLi performance comparison Posted on 3 Apr 2012 in PHP MySQL After reading this ...
    PDO vs MySQLi performance comparison -
  • API Support Both PDO and MySQLi offer an object-oriented API, but MySQLi also offers a pro...
    PDO vs. MySQLi: Which Should You Use?
  • 2013年1月4日 - In relation to PHP, MySQL is the old database driver, and MySQLi is the Impro...
    php - Difference between mysql & mysqli - Stack Overflow
  • 2011年4月12日 - Use MySQLi over the older MySQL functions. The "i" stands for &quo...
    php - Difference between mysqli and mysql? - Stack Overflow
  • MySQL Improved Extension Introduction Overview Quick start guide Dual procedural and objec...
    PHP: MySQLi - Manual
  • 2013年4月16日 - [PHP]mysql和mysqli的差別. 在碰資料庫的時候,本人常常會使用到mysqli_query(),但也有一種函式是mysql_query(),...
    Syun: [PHP]mysql和mysqli的差別
  • 2016年11月16日 - Always use mysqli, the original mysql extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5...
    Which is better Mysql vs Mysqli in php - Stack Overflow
  • 2008年10月5日 - The MySQL extension is very slightly faster than MySQLi in most ... For exam...
    Which is fastest in PHP- MySQL or MySQLi? - Stack Overflow
  • 2010年6月24日 - PHP-MySQL 是PHP 操作MySQL 資料庫最原始的Extension ,PHP-MySQLi 的i 代表Improvement ,提更了相對進...
    淺談PHP-MySQL, PHP-MySQLi, PDO 的差異– roga's blog